Amybo is all about letting people grow their own nutritious, delicious and affordable protein.
Amybo was kicked off in 2023 by Martin Currie, following inspiration from:
- George Monbiot’s Embrace what may be the most important green technology ever. It could save us all. Guardian Article, which put him on to:
- Reboot Food, which got him googling for open source protein fermentation projects, where he found not much more than:
- Domingo Club’s lovely open soure Tempeh fermenter and:
- Gerrit Niezen, who was also “Not finding any open-source precision fermentation projects online”, but linked to
- Pioreactor, founded by
- Cam Davidson Pilon who also hadn’t seen much, but thought:
- the Good Food Institute, or
- New Harvest would know.
- Martin eventually read George Monbiot’s Regenesis - Feeding the World without Devouring the Planet, and was spurred on to action by
- Amanda Lake of IChemE
- and many others.
We would love you to join us, feel free to get involved in any way you like.
And if you like, when you like, please do add your name and inspirations here.
CONFESSION: The image of the blueberry porridge that we’re currently using on this page and our front page isn’t actually fermented protein, it’s a public domain stock image by iha31 from Pixabay which happened to come from Docsy’s template. It may well be that we develop a protein porridge that looks much like this, when served with blueberries, so in the interest of focusing on more important stuff we’ve left it as-is. If you have a better image that you’d like to contribute, please do, otherwise we may try to generate a more appropriate placeholder with Dall-E, midjourney, etc. and eventually some real photos of real open source proteins or processes.
We need your help
We need biotechnologists, chefs, coders, creatives, engineers, enthusiasts, environmentalists, makers, medics, microbiologists, nutritionists, others.
Contributions welcome!
All these pages are editable, so please add more, fix what’s wrong, or just get in touch.
Let’s democratise food